Services | Dimensional Data Modeling

CAPITAL SIGMA Consulting Services for Data Modeling

We offer OLAP data modeling consulting services with our specialised expertise in the asset management domain. Most of our bespoke, dimensional data-modeling services is associated with building data-mart solutions on top of FundNavigator™. Fund managers can choose to create several use-case specific dimensional data-marts based on data from FundNavigator™ or their custom-staged data.

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Dimensions & Facts

Dimensional data modeling focusses on structuring business data into schemas that allow for fast data aggregation and simpler reporting logic. Dimensions are derived and denormalised from conformed underlying physical and normalised structures. In order to preserve data integrity and facilitate user-driven enrichment of dimensions, this process happens in FundNavigator. Fact-tables which record measurements and metrics for dimensions are obtained from the transactional data-tables off FundNavigator or custom data sources.

Granularity & Latency

The granularity and the frequency of updates (latency) can be designed per data-mart. Data-mart architectures built on the star schema are particularly powerful in the hands of Microsoft Excel end-users and are well suited for easy integration with down-stream BI reporting user interfaces.

Outbound API for OLAP Data

Data from cube data-marts can be disseminated to client solutions via our FundNavigator™ JSON/XML API and can feed dashboards in FundNavigator™ as well as provide data for ClientConnect™.


CAPITAL SIGMA uses Microsoft’s business intelligence database tools. Microsoft’s leadership in this space affords us the convenience of focusing on client requirements and accelerating delivery of solutions specific to the asset management industry.

OLAP Cube Architecture:
Microsoft SQL Analysis Services

Database Architecture:
Microsoft SQL Server

ETL Architecture:
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services

Reporting Architecture:
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services



Coupled with our strong emphasis on solid data integration strategies, we deliver end-to-end OLAP projects for asset managers. Our knowledge of the asset management business and our specialised experience in providing both bespoke and off-the-shelf IT solutions for the asset management industry puts us in a compelling position to meet the unique business intelligence and OLAP requirements of fund managers.

Hybrid Architecture

We maximise the advantages of dimensional models and minimise their limitations (such as data integrity issues associated with redundancies) by employing a hybrid architecture. Our hybrid architecture relies on a normalised enterprise data warehouse which allows for sensible master data management and our dimensional model allows for pure dissemination through rapid slice and dice.

Contact us to find out more about our consulting services in dimensional modeling